Unlock AI-powered journalism with Seraf

Save hours each day by automating routine tasks and focusing on impactful storytelling.
Deliver accurate, compelling stories two times faster with quick access to essential data and resources.
Enhance productivity and efficiency in your newsroom, allowing your team to excel.
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An AI-powered solution for modern publishers

Double your reporting speed and accuracy

Answer critical questions swiftly, from finding past reports to verifying facts, Seraf ensures you have reliable information at your fingertips. This boosts newsroom efficiency and strengthens your reporting credibility.

Whether you need to verify a fact or find supporting data, Seraf provides instant, accurate responses, enhancing the speed and reliability of your journalism.

Seraf AI Journalism

Uncover hidden stories with ease

Seraf aids your investigative journalists by quickly sifting through large datasets, finding connections, and identifying patterns that might not be immediately obvious. This allows journalists to uncover hidden stories and provide in-depth analysis.

Seraf AI Journalism

Tailor content to audience interests

Seraf can analyze reader data to identify what topics and types of content resonate most with your audience. This enables journalists to tailor their stories to match reader interests, increasing engagement and loyalty.

Seraf AI Journalism
Seraf AI

Hear from our customers

Before Seraf, our employees spent about 2.5 hours per day, or roughly 30 percent of the workday, searching for and gathering information. Today, everyone on our team can get the answers they need in less than 5 minutes.

Craig Freedman,CEO, Freedman Seating Company 

Ready to supercharge your newsroom efficiency? 

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