Less searching, more doing - Find answers to your work questions, in seconds

Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence

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Seraf AI Verenia
Seraf AI Verenia
Seraf AI Verenia
Seraf AI Verenia
Seraf AI Verenia
Seraf AI Verenia
Seraf AI Verenia
Seraf AI Verenia
Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence

Meet Seraf: your new workplace assistant


More than just talk

Seraf runs large language models underneath the hood to deliver more than text, creating clear charts and graphs for easy and quick understanding of complex data.


Personalized responses

Based on who you are, what you’re working on and who you’re working with, Seraf personalizes your search results so that they’re always relevant to you.

Forget the complexities of manually configuring access permissions for different roles and levels within your company.

Seraf ensures that every employee accesses only the information they’re authorized to view, preserving data integrity

No matter what team you're on, Seraf will answer any question

Human Relations
Human Relations
Customer Service
Customer Service
Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence

With Seraf, you can


Ask, understand, excel

Over 70% of employees avoid asking questions at work, fearing ridicule and rejection, a study by Harvard Business Review shows.

Our organization AI breaks down these walls, inviting a culture where questions fuel growth and innovation. With Seraf, every team member can confidently learn, contribute, and thrive without hesitation.

Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence

Deep dive with confidence

Seraf provides answers with direct links to the sources, making it easy for employees to explore information further. It’s a tool that not only answers questions but also encourages deeper understanding and learning.

Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence

Search securely

Seraf uses advanced technology to grasp your company’s data and what your team is asking. It knows about your team, the content, and how they interact. Plus, it connects to all your company’s information while keeping your data’s privacy settings intact.

Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence

Enterprise grade team

20+ years of experience in business software means a lot. Hundreds of companies and hundreds of thousands of users around the world have used products and services made by the Verenia team behind Seraf.

4.9/5 on Capterra

Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence

Take the first step – connect with us today

Seraf – the core of your organizational intelligence

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