A workplace search chatbot trained on all your company’s knowledge

Connect to 100+ apps your team is using
Find answers instantly, from company policies to project updates 
With Seraf, you can stop searching and start doing.
hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "44244157", formId: "88d5c723-a49a-41d4-9e89-e887451807e6" });

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Simply type what you’re searching for and let Seraf find the answer

The right information, at your fingertips

Whether it's a document from last year or an email from yesterday, Seraf sifts through all your digital assets to bring you the information you need.

More than just talk

Seraf isn't just about keywords; it understands the context, making your search results more relevant and accurate.

Seamless integration

Seraf works hand-in-hand with your existing workplace tools, bringing a unified search experience across all platforms.

Hear from our customers

Before Seraf, our employees spent about 2.5 hours per day, or roughly 30 percent of the workday, searching for and gathering information. Today, everyone on our team can get the answers they need in less than 5 minutes.

Craig Freedman,CEO, Freedman Seating Company 

Ready to revolutionize workplace search?

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