Know more, do more: knowledge management made easy

Connect to 100+ apps your team is using
Find answers instantly, from company policies to project updates
Encourage a culture of learning and growth across your team
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Seraf lets you search across your company knowledge to find facts buried in chats and documents 

Shift from searching to doing

Seraf knows where all your company's knowledge lives, from the most detailed reports to the latest team updates.

Make it easy for people to source information

Dive deep and trace the source of information with Seraf's fully referenceable workplace search.

The right people, the right information

Seraf uses role-based access so that users only have access to information that they're allowed to see.

Hear from our customers

Before Seraf, our employees spent about 2.5 hours per day, or roughly 30 percent of the workday, searching for and gathering information. Today, everyone on our team can get the answers they need in less than 5 minutes.

Craig Freedman,CEO, Freedman Seating Company 

Ready to bring your company knowledge together?

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